Virtual    Travels   of    Rizal

(clickable map)

VTR is a collaborative approach of publishing the travel notes of Dr. Jose Rizal on the World Wide Web (University of Vienna, University of the Philippines KONTRA-GAPI, Rizal-Blumentritt Society Austria) Alumni of the University of the Philippines all over the world as well as other persons interested in Filipino history and culture are invited to take part in this program.
Under the umbrella of the UPAA-Austria Chapter, every worthy contributor will be listed down in its honor list and links to other Web sites will be created.

[How to contribute]

View the VTR Guestbook Guestbook by Lpage Sign the VTR Guestbook

[Austrian-Philippine Home Page] [Honor List] [Links to VTR]
created: December 20, 1996
updated: March 30, 1998
APSIS Editor Johann Stockinger